How to Train Your Dog

How to Train Your Dog

The thing to remember about dogs is that they are actually partly tame wolves. This method of training them is to work with their inner wolf.

You will need to source a supplier of sheep, since especially at the beginning, you will be using them as a reward. Choose the sheep based on your dog’s breed: obviously it would be difficult for a cockapoo to take down a large ram. 

Wolves are nocturnal, so schedule your training for night time, or at least evenings. The rest of the day, your dog will be resting up, preparing for a night of hunting, so he (or she) would not be able to focus on your commands. 

You must demonstrate to your partially tame wolf that you are the alpha of the pack. To do this, practice knocking your dog down and bite (gently) on the exposed throat area.  If your dog is one with longer fur, such as an afghan hound, you may need to practice a bit, in order to find the right spot. Don’t give up! Also, with a smaller dog, for example a chihuahua, there may not be much room to maneuver toward the throat. Over time, you will find out what works best for you and your dog.

It can be helpful to learn certain howls to communicate with your dog. The enclosed CD contains some of the most common ones. A CD of more advanced howls can be purchased through our web site.

Dog training can take a lot of your time and attention at first, but after you have worked with your dog for a while, these methods will become second nature to you and your dog. The rewards you reap from training your dog will be immensely satisfying!

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