Wedding Planner
- Confirm with florist
- Bridal bouquet
- Zinnias, daisies, gladiolus
- No baby’s breath
- Table arrangements
- White roses and dahlias
- Bridal bouquet
- Music
- Get list from Lisa
- Send list to the band
- Give final count for the meal
- See if they can make special plate for Aunt Iris
- Get final fitting for the dress
- Time how long it takes to get out of dress
- Bridesmaids
- Wrap gifts
- Find out who wants to catch the bouquet
- Make sure everyone is clear on their roles
- Rehearsal Dinner
- Test out half dose of sleeping potion on groom
- Evaluate alternate exit routes
- Pack for afterwards
- Toothbrush
- Soap
- Shampoo
- Rope
- Herbs
- Ritual knife
- Sack for the heart
- Towels?
- Disguise
- Men’s clothes
- False mustache
- Fedora
- At the sacrificial circle
- Ceremonial fire should be started half an hour early
- Make sure sacramental robes are hidden in a safe, easily accessible spot
- Don’t forget shoes